Sidebar div not staying where i put it.
Hello all hope your Friday is a good one! So here is what I got for you today.working on a simple layout design for a site. Trying to do it all in code and learn as much as I can. But here is my...
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Floated elements need to come first in your markup. So you would need to move the sidebar div above mainContent div. Otherwise, you must float mainContent left. If you want to learn how to do things...
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Thanks Nancy I will give that a try. And thanks for the link also looks like i have some reading todo. Any ideas on the fixed div I'm using for a search?
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It's a problem with stacking order. Try this: .search-stay{ width:cover; position:fixed; background-color:#900; width:100%; padding:0; margin:0; z-index:100;} Nancy O.
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Wow i have a lot to learn never even heard of a z-index rule but I had to do z-index:300; to get it working but it did. Thanks
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